You can do something about domestic violence. Now.

Breaking the cycle of violence isn’t easy.
But it’s easier with your help.

Now you can team up to be a Friend of Safe Harbor! Sign up and start your pledge today. For as little as five dollars you can make a difference in so many lives. So join the cause and get your pledge started!

Domestic violence injures hundreds of thousands of survivors and their minor children and generates billions in medical, social and legal costs. We all have a stake in ending it. Now.

One thing you can do is to educate yourself about domestic abuse, how to recognize it and deal with it. You can volunteer your services or donate money to organizations like Safe Harbor. Contact us for more information.

At Safe Harbor, our programs and services provide assistance to help survivors and their minor children free themselves from domestic abuse. Our people do even more. Their experience, training and genuine concern make a big difference every day. You can make a difference, too.

Please contact Safe Harbor to discuss volunteer opportunities and how you can assist with the current needs in the program.

If you can’t volunteer, you can still help by making financial donations or donating gift cards. Those donations assist with operational costs and help Safe Harbor provide direct services to survivors and their minor children. The National Domestic Violence Hotline has more information on what you can do to help.